Friday, July 17, 2009

From Bowling to Fear in 120 Minutes

We have just finished watching the movie "Bowling to Columbine" on DVD. This is not my first time watching it, and although this movie has many flaws in the way Michael Moore presents and comments on the facts, there is one question being raised and going unanswered throughout the movie: why do Americans end up killing each other in such great numbers, whereas other nations manage not to do so despite being not less violent or possessing more guns than Americans?
My gut feeling is that the answer lies in the way American society is built. This ultimate individualism, which turns people to competitors in the race for - rather than contributors to the achievement of - personal happiness. Therefore they fear each other, and prevent themselves from making new acquaintances. Therefore they hate, segregate and avoid socializing with those deemed different. Therefore they don't try to get to know the other person, certainly not to help them when they are weak. In their eyes life is a zero-sum competitive game, so if the other gains I have to lose. And so the vicious circle continues.
I have mentioned before that Israelis tend to imitate Americans, and this is also something we do well in Israel - hate, segregate, and compete instead of helping each other. We're still a society, but our social values are less profound than they used to be. I hope we don't start killing each other at the same rate Americans do. But it seems to me that the sign is already on the wall.

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