Thursday, July 2, 2009

Good Things, Bad Things

I have been toying with the idea of writing a list of things I like and dislike about Cincinnati, and America in general. The more I thought about it, the more it appeared to me that this list is going to be long and hard to complete. Not to mention the fact that it's going to be impossible for any reader to follow.
So, instead, I decided to compile this list in parts, where each part will try to encompass a single aspect of our lives here. I think that it is becoming to do it between America's birthday and the anniversary of our arrival here, so hopefully I will be able to complete it in the allotted period of time.
Naturally, most of the analysis will be based on a comparison between the two countries that I lived in: Israel and here.
What are the topics?
Hopefully, I can make this list interesting and on time for our anniversary here, which is about two months from now.

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