Monday, September 14, 2009


This part was written before I boarded the plane to Israel:
Our last flight was to Las Vegas, with Delta Airlines. I wrote about that horrible flight and how I detest the way Delta treated us on both our flights (in and out of Las Vegas). After I had written that post, a friend told me that his experience with US Airways had not been any better. So, when it came down to booking today's flight to Israel, I decided that I would not use either Delta or US Airways, and instead I chose Continental Airlines. To my pleasant surprise this flight was significantly better than my previous experience. Although the flight was much shorter than the flight to Las Vegas, we were given snacks, and not just one. It was actually a small meal (though my stomach ache prevented me from enjoying it, but that is not the airliner's fault), and not just a small pack of peanuts. They also served beverages. And lo and behold! they even did it free of charge. Who would imagine that?!

If the flight to Israel, which I am about to take, is as good as the one I just came down off, I think I will have found my airliner of preference.

This part was written after my return from Israel
I am now after completing the entire itinerary. The flights to Israel were okay as well. My only complaint is that Continental learned too well from El-Al's method of packing passengers into small spaces. The leg-room was horrible. On my flight to Israel at least the seat beside me was empty, so I could maneuver a bit. On the flight back it was impossible. When I got off the plane, my knees hurt from sitting like this. On the other hand, the video on demand system was absolutely great, and superior to any VOD system I saw in any airline. It had so many choices of movies and shows, and I enjoyed it very much. So much, that I even didn't get to sleep on the flight to Israel (also because of the leg-room). Kudos for the VOD system.

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