Saturday, September 5, 2009

Home is where your heart is

D and I have been in the USA for almost a year now. As a result of our relative social seclusion, and since we're both here for each other, our bond has become very strong, so it seems to me. Today I left D behind at the CVG terminal, and since then I have been feeling somewhat disoriented. The further I get away from D, and closer to Israel (AKA "home"), the worst it gets. How is she doing? How will she manage without me? What will she do? Will she be lonely?

I know it's only a week till I see her again, and that we just said our farewells, but I already miss her. Home is not where you're born. Home is not where you were raised. Home is also not necessarily where your family and friends are. Home is where your center, your balance, your orientation, and your love are. Home is where your heart is. My home is D.


Yuval Sapir said...

We'll try to make Israel as homely as possible for you :-) Next time, bring her with you....

Dana said...

I already miss you too so much! I went for a walk in Ault Park and wished you were there, enjoying it with me.

Don't worry about me. I'm a big girl - and I will manage on my own, even though I am, and will be, very lonely this week. Try to have as much fun as you can and do all the things you enjoy. I will think about you and count the minutes until you come back.
