Thursday, January 1, 2009

The Legendary Sunjay Gupta

CNN’s chief medical correspondent is Dr. Sunjay Gupta. Naturally, I don’t know the guy personally, but it’s funny to see how the CNN anchor men and women treat him with adulation. In any health care related item they turn to this distinguished neurosurgeon and ask for his commentary, like sending Danny Rup with a stupid wool-hat to the first snow in Jerusalem. It’s not the first time I have seen Dr. Gupta on CNN, but today we saw him appear twice: once on a research about how running is good for health, and even does not have undesired side-effects such as joint problems, which were associated with running in the past. The other item was about the state of hospitals in Gaza, overflowing with injured people and under equipped. The anchorman asked him: “Dr. Gupta, you were in situations like this, what can you tell us…” and all I could think was: this is a doctor that has been reporting for CNN in the past 10 years (almost), and probably never saw combat casualties. The only blood he probably saw was after a well organized cut in a prestigious American hospital, under the neon lights, and air conditioned (actually, according to CNN's page this is not true and he did perform surgery on field in Iraq). What the hell does he know? It caused me to create “The Legend of Dr Sunjay Gupta, the doctor who cured every disease… except cancer”. We now consider him to be some kind of a Superhero.

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