Friday, August 29, 2008

11 Days to go: A Full Boidem, Perhaps a Tenant

Today we finished packing my folders and loading them to the boidem. With them we loaded D's CDs and DVDs. The boidem is now officially full. Some of the boxes found their way into a nook in their exact size. About third of both our belongings are now stored in less than 3 cubic meters (image from D's flickr).

In another subject we have two possible tenants. One is a nice American girl who wants the place with all the furniture and appliances in it, which is exactly what we want. The other possibility is a nice couple. We're now waiting for the American girl to call us and then we'll know who takes the place. I know that it's not over until we sign the contract, but I hope that we will do it soon.

We had a very disappointing talk with D's parents that now refuse to take Willy the cat in. Had they told us earlier we could have tried and arranged something else, perhaps take it with us after all. Now, as can be understood and expected, D is very stressed over this subject and she had a fight with her parents. I still hope that they'll climb down the tree they so wrongly climbed up. However, I learned some important lesson from this incident.

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