Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Good mood and good news

Today I'm in a very good mood. First of all, the human resources has approved the application and now D and I are officially Domestic Partners. This means that we can get tuition remission for her and enroll her to all the medical benefits, just as if we were married. This means that our financial condition has improved greatly.
Another thing is that I have solved the multi-agent maze problem. It took me only 4 days to solve it from the Saturday until now. It works brilliantly. Kelly is really impressed with that and he thinks I should write a paper for a conference and a journal.
With all these great things that happened to me today I also found a funny site with comic strips that deal with Ph.D. and grad students life. All images are from and they depict so nicely the life of a grad student in the US. I really recommend that you take a look at it. Here are some appetizers from there:

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