Thursday, June 3, 2010

Human rights hypocrites

Israel is being denounced by the whole world for stopping a flotilla of ships carrying humanitarian aid to the blockaded Gaza Strip. The fact that the flotilla was organized by a known terrorist organization makes no difference to the enlightened world. The fact that human rights and peace activists were using knives, machetes, metal poles, broken glass bottles to attack soldiers fails to strike people as odd, perhaps puzzling - pacifists are known to be pro-violence, are they not? The fact that convoys upon convoys of food and medical supplies are being delivered to Gaza daily, again, is not part of the comfortable narrative, so let's just forget it.

The question is why this whole scam is being done? What is the motive? The motive is, in the end, to cast doubt over the legitimacy of Israel. It is a well orchestrated attack on Israel, with major organizations taking part in it. For example, the BBC with its one-sided depiction of the news, the United Nations, whose human rights section found only one nation guilty of human rights infractions, etc. It is not new, either. When Israel destroyed the Iraqi nuclear facility near Baghdad in 1981 the whole world condemned it, only to thank the Israelis 10 years later when Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait and the international community came to rescue the oil fields there.

So, in order to let some human rights activists on some of the most known secrets in the world I decided to compile a short list of human rights infractions that Israel is *gasping* not involved in, yet they are still happening in our beautiful world:
This list, by the way, can go on and on forever. I just wanted to point out some matters, that in my humble opinion might be more pressing than the Israeli-Gaza conflict. After all, the people in Gaza live, eat food, get electricity, and have fresh water. All of that is due to Israel, which still supplies them with everything they need, even after 5 years of independence.

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