Tuesday, December 8, 2009

At last: Google Chrome got *useful* extensions

Google's Chrome is probably the fastest web browser around. But until now, it was almost impossible to use with popular Israeli websites because of their notoriously ad-packed noise. This required me to use the combination of Mozilla Firefox (a good browser by its own right) and Ad-Block Plus. While working with the Fox, I got accustomed to using various other add-ons. This is basically what I really liked about Firefox - the huge variety of add-ons and I longed for the day the Chrome gets extensions.
Well, the wait is almost over. I am now using a beta (I think) version of Chrome 4 (, with extensions. Google finally allowed programmers to develop extensions for their browser, and started a website not too long ago. Now, there are already some useful extensions. Among which are the following that I have already installed:
AdThwart (there are other ad blockers, but this one seems to be able to block Ynet's clutter, see picture)
Search Preview for Chrome (similar to Google Preview for Firefox, and there are others like it)
Wave Notifier (not really useful, but still)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Instant coffee - how do you do that?

This how-to is brought to all Americans, who are kind enough to have me in their country, but don't know how to make coffee (at all, and in particular out of instant coffee). Lately, D and I have encountered several people that looked at instant coffee and were at a loss with regards to how to make coffee of it. The time required to prepare instant coffee is almost equal to the time required to heat water to boiling conditions, which is 2-3 minutes for cup or two of water in a kettle.

  • Instant coffee - that's coffee made to be in a powder or granulated, and kept in a jar, e.g. Jacobs. Other brands are sold in American markets, but they are not as good as this one, which is sold only in international food shops. If you have to, buy Taster's Choice. Don't touch any other brand of instant coffee in US supermarkets. Although Starbucks' Via is instant coffee, it is absolutely disgusting and do not drink it.
  • Water - heated to boiling conditions. Water heated in microwave is not hot enough, so is not good enough. You can use hot water from your office water dispenser.
  • A spoon
  • A cup
  • Optional: sugar or sweetener, and cream or milk.
  • Take an empty cup. Put a spoonful of instant coffee in the empty cup.
  • If you like your coffee sweet, add the sugar or sweetener now.
  • Add boiling water to the cup and stir well until the coffee is fully dissolved in the water.
  • If you like your coffee with milk or cream, add them only after the previous step.
  • Sip and enjoy. Caution: contents may be hot.
After you get used to the taste of what the rest of the world considers as coffee, you will never drink that disgusting brownish liquid you used to call coffee until now.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Academic success

D. and two of her fellow students in the MS-IS program in the College of Business won yesterday a regional competition in IT strategy consulting organized by CA and hosted by Carnegie Mellon University. I will not be surprised if this was the first time that students of the University of Cincinnati win a competition versus rivals from Carnegie Mellon, other than football that is. Kudos to D and her team members.

Thursday, November 5, 2009

What is wrong with this site

Hello kids,

Today we will play a little game called: "what's wrong with this new site?". Don't worry it's not something your parents would not allow you to see, it is not porn (and that's okay), and it's fun.
This is a very simple game. Following is a link to the University of Cincinnati website that deals with the conversion from quarters to semesters. In particular, this site targets questions that students may have regarding the famous co-op, or educational work experience.

The question is: what's wrong with this site?

The readers are encouraged to leave their answers here.

Monday, October 5, 2009

A great award for UC research

In light of the previous post about academic level, I am happy to announce that the University of Cincinnati has recently won a very prestigious award – the Ignoble prize. :-)

Here is an excerpt from the page enumerating the winners in each category:

Physics: Katherine K. Whitcome, of the University of Cincinnati, Daniel E. Lieberman, of Harvard University, and Liza J. Shapiro, of the University of Texas at Austin, "for analytically determining why pregnant women don't tip over." (Paper: "Fetal Load and the Evolution of Lumbar Lordosis in Bipedal Hominins," Nature, December 13, 2007.)

(source: http://chronicle.com/article/Winning-an-Ig-Nobel-Beats-a/48669/)

For those of you unfamiliar with this esteemed award, the Ignoble Prize is the prize given for researches that "first make people laugh, and then make them think", or as it was initially termed: “for discoveries ‘that cannot, or should not, be reproduced’” (from the Wikipedia site about this prize).

One may only hope that “any publicity is a good publicity”.

And, by the way, the university published this as great news.

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

Good Things, Bad Things: Measurements and Distances

This post is the last and belated part of the Good Things, Bad Things series.

The USA is the only industrialized country to be using a systems of units that differs from the international standardized, or metric, system. In fact, the World Factbook by the CIA, in Appendix G, states that:
At this time, only three countries - Burma, Liberia, and the US - have not adopted the International System of Units (SI, or metric system) as their official system of weights and measures. Although use of the metric system has been sanctioned by law in the US since 1866, it has been slow in displacing the American adaptation of the British Imperial System known as the US Customary System. The US is the only industrialized nation that does not mainly use the metric system in its commercial and standards activities, but there is increasing acceptance in science, medicine, government, and many sectors of industry
This issue about units of measurements causes many differences, both for the good and for the worse. The system now called American Customary Units was derived from the English and later Imperial Units, but even that is not entirely correct or accurate. For example, an American Wet Pint is much smaller than its British counterpart (and even the Amreican dry Pint for that matter, but who the hell drinks a dry beer?!), and the only explanation for that might be that no one wants to drink more than an American pint of domestic beer, especially when compared to a nice smooth pint of Guiness. Anyway, I digress.

One problem with American Customary Units is that they hold true only at a certain location on Earth, specifically at latitude 45, which is roughly where the USA is. This is so typical of Americans: to invent a set of units that can be true only at a certain location in the universe. As usual, as long as Americans keep to themselves and don't try to meddle with the affairs of others that is not a problem. However, they rarely do, and at some point they even decided to venture to space. Now, on space, as everyone knows, there is no gravity. As a result, there is also no definition of weight, which is the force that stems from the product of mass and gravity, hence no gravity - no weight. Since the American Customary Units assume a weight of 1 lb as its basic unit of measurement, and calculates the mass that produces this weight at latitude 45 and sea-level, this entire system of units is useless in space. Thus, for scientific purposes, it makes more sense to use Standard International units, i.e. the metric system, whose base unit is the Kg for mass, and not weight. Mass is invariant no matter what the gravity acceleration is. Why am I telling you all this? For two reasons: 1) it's virtually impossible to teach American students to distinguish between mass, weight and the units used for both. They know that some multiplication or division is required, but not exactly which is what. 2) it's the cause of one of the most colossal failures in NASA's history.

There are also positive sides to using American units. For example, we still think about temperature in Celsius, but if you look at Fahrenheit it makes more sense: the weather in Cincinnati this year ranged from really cold when it was zero Fahrenheit to hot when it was 100 Fahrenheit. On the other hand, spatial distances are shrunk or expanded as needed: for example it's much nicer to live in a 1000 sq. ft. apartment than in a 100 sq. meters apartment. It's easier to drive 500 miles to a party than it is to drive 800 Kms, as we did on the weekend of the 4th of July. ;-)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Cincinnati Bell's service

We have our internet connection with Cincinnati Bell. At first it was great: high speed fiber optics. However, we had to disconnect the fiber optics because of our move to another apartment (where we will have a new non-fiber optics internet with Cincinnati Bell). Therefore, we scheduled a time for a technician to come pick up the old equipment. It was between 8 and 12 today. Naturally, no one showed up. It's a working day, and they just didn't give a damn about people being left at home and missing work.

So, I called their office. It took a Cincinnati Bell representative 18 minutes just to answer the phone! This is such a bad service I am now considering disconnecting from them altogether.

A technician finally called. According to him no one told him it was supposed to be in the morning. He said that it happened a lot with the office mixing orders.

This company is a disgrace to American service standards.

Monday, September 14, 2009


This part was written before I boarded the plane to Israel:
Our last flight was to Las Vegas, with Delta Airlines. I wrote about that horrible flight and how I detest the way Delta treated us on both our flights (in and out of Las Vegas). After I had written that post, a friend told me that his experience with US Airways had not been any better. So, when it came down to booking today's flight to Israel, I decided that I would not use either Delta or US Airways, and instead I chose Continental Airlines. To my pleasant surprise this flight was significantly better than my previous experience. Although the flight was much shorter than the flight to Las Vegas, we were given snacks, and not just one. It was actually a small meal (though my stomach ache prevented me from enjoying it, but that is not the airliner's fault), and not just a small pack of peanuts. They also served beverages. And lo and behold! they even did it free of charge. Who would imagine that?!

If the flight to Israel, which I am about to take, is as good as the one I just came down off, I think I will have found my airliner of preference.

This part was written after my return from Israel
I am now after completing the entire itinerary. The flights to Israel were okay as well. My only complaint is that Continental learned too well from El-Al's method of packing passengers into small spaces. The leg-room was horrible. On my flight to Israel at least the seat beside me was empty, so I could maneuver a bit. On the flight back it was impossible. When I got off the plane, my knees hurt from sitting like this. On the other hand, the video on demand system was absolutely great, and superior to any VOD system I saw in any airline. It had so many choices of movies and shows, and I enjoyed it very much. So much, that I even didn't get to sleep on the flight to Israel (also because of the leg-room). Kudos for the VOD system.

Saturday, September 5, 2009

Home is where your heart is

D and I have been in the USA for almost a year now. As a result of our relative social seclusion, and since we're both here for each other, our bond has become very strong, so it seems to me. Today I left D behind at the CVG terminal, and since then I have been feeling somewhat disoriented. The further I get away from D, and closer to Israel (AKA "home"), the worst it gets. How is she doing? How will she manage without me? What will she do? Will she be lonely?

I know it's only a week till I see her again, and that we just said our farewells, but I already miss her. Home is not where you're born. Home is not where you were raised. Home is also not necessarily where your family and friends are. Home is where your center, your balance, your orientation, and your love are. Home is where your heart is. My home is D.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Best hummus in Cincinnati

Is the one we make at home with our new food processor!!!!!

Good Things, Bad Things: Privacy

This post is part of the "Good Things, Bad Things" series.

In general, the right for privacy in our world is diminishing. Some proof for that are: the ever growing number of CCTV cameras in city centers (especially in the UK, where this thing has almost gotten to the point of being a public Big Brother), Google's Street View and its privacy infractions, online mail applications that use key words to put contextual ads, and electronic data everyone leaves behind him just to prove he or she is still alive, e.g. on Facebook, Twitter, cellular networks, blogs, etc. To this one can add the debate over biometric database, especially the one lobbied for and promoted by MK Sheetrit in Israel.

Photo: Hustvedt for Wikipedia. Photo location: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Three_Surveillance_cameras.jpg#file.

However, things really are nauseating when they come closer to oneself. One aspect of our lost privacy is the fact that the U.S. government requires every international student and international worker to report about his or her moves. We are already in the biometric database of the federal government as it is. And, lately, we discovered the that the University of Cincinnati, specifically one person in it is an avid reader of this very blog. This caused D and me to consider how much of what we experience in life should be made public through Facebook and blogging.

I have to say that although I hate having my rights being restricted by little people in dark suits, I support what the government is doing in attempt to prevent atrocities such as 9-11 from happening again. However, Sheetrit, this does not say that I support the biometric database promoted in Israel, there are other ways to have smart ID cards, and there are many nations that don't have ID cards at all, and biometric databases will not prevent terrorism or crime as you claim.

What I do hate, and I think there is no excuse for it, is having my freedom of speech trampled by little men that don't wear suits or badges. This is absolutely wrong.

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Good Things, Bad Things: Infrastructures

This post is part of the "Good Things, Bad Things" series.

In order to discuss the infrastructure in the US, let me first define what I mean by the term. For me infrastructures is everything that pertains to your ability to conduct your life. Good infrastructures are the ones that you don't have to think about: they are there, they are reliable, and they deliver everything you need when you need it.

In general I can say that the infrastructures in the USA are better than the ones in Israel. However, there are several exceptions to that rule. The infrastructures that are better than Israel are: broadband internet connection (we have 30Mbit/s fiber optics, at a cost that is lower than the cost in Israel for a tenth of that), roads (there are far less traffic jams here than in Israel), and the postal service, which is absolutely excellent, fast, efficient, and cheap. Service providers, and infrastructures providers among them, are usually more polite and don't require endless conversations to get rid of, but they are still inefficient just as their Israeli counterparts are. I really enjoy the banks here. We have an account with a major bank, and we pay absolutely no fees and get excellent service online and in the branch. It's a real pleasure that is in complete contrast to the appalling way Israeli banks work.

The infrastructures that are not as good as the ones in Israel are: buildings, that are built from IKEA style wooden plates and are just as strong as them, electricity, which has the tendency of failing every time there is a storm, public transportation, which is virtually non-existent in Cincinnati, and plumbing, which is a major problem in the building we live in, probably because of poor maintenance by the company that manages the property. The latter two are probably local problems, as public transportation in NYC, Boston, Chicago and San Francisco is supposed to be better, and the property management company is just one company and others may be better.

Though infrastructures in the US are better than in Israel, I feel that they may be deteriorating due to the economic problems. For example, the roads in Cincinnati have a lot of holes in them, and in the winter the city didn't plow the snow from the smaller streets or had money for salt to prevent the roads from freezing. Hopefully this is a temporary thing, that will pass when the economy improves.

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Good Things, Bad Things: Weather

This post is part of the "Good Things, Bad Things" series.

Weather in Israel can be described as having four seasons: December, January, February, and Summer. The former three are generally called winter, but are quite warm, but the latter ranges between hot and dry to blistering and humid.
After moving here I have finally realized that there are real differences between summer, fall, spring and winter. In the summer it's hot, muggy and rainy. In the fall the trees turn to all shades and colors. In the winter it's cold and sometimes snows. I really enjoyed the snow. Then, spring brings everything back to life, and the trees grow leaves in all different colors once more.

However, this wide range of temperatures and weather phenomena have a price: the weather here is very unstable. One day it's hot, the next it's soaking wet. Electricity lines were knocked out for several days twice since we came here. There are tornado alarms and flood alerts every now and then.

Still, I like the weather in Cincinnati, especially when it's not too hot or rainy.

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Good Things, Bad Things: Health

This post is part of the "Good Things, Bad Things" series.

Before we got here I thought that the Israeli healthcare system is not a good healthcare system. My mother had just died a month before we moved here, and I was angry with the way her treatment had been administered. It seemed to me that the healthcare system in Israel was too slow on one hand, yet too expensive on the other hand. This may still be true, but I have no doubt in my mind that when it comes to healthcare, the Israeli way is far better than the American way.

I use a report by the World Health Organization (WHO) to compare healthcare systems in the world. According to this report, though the Health Adjusted Life Expectancy (HALE) is high in the US (about 70+ years), it is not significantly higher than other countries, or perhaps even less than some. On the other hand the Total Health Expenditure in the US is one of the highest in the world, with Sweden and Germany (See figure 1.6 in that report). In fact the expenditure for healthcare in the US is so high, at about 15% of the GDP, that it is described as "singular" by the WHO (see page 106), compared even with other "high-income" (or developed) countries, which spend less than 10% of their GDP on healthcare. It is also singular in the fact that only 6.9% of the GDP is invested by the government, whereas the rest of the expenditures (almost 9% of GDP) comes from the private market. Although 6.9% of GDP government intervention is by no means low, the fact that so much more money is invested by the private sector contributes to high inequalities in the American healthcare system. This was not overlooked by the WHO: when it comes to universal coverage, the WHO has a lot to say about the inequalities in the American healthcare system, citing a decline of up to 5 years in the life expectancy of women in more than a thousand counties in the nation, where hazardous material are being disposed of (page 56), and the lack of care for uninsured elderly people (page 57).

In overall, it is thus not surprising that the United States of America is ranked number 37 in the world according to a WHO report that assesses the healthcare systems of countries in the world. What may be more surprising is that among the countries that have a better healthcare system than the USA we can find not-so-developed countries, such as Oman, Colombia, the United Arab Emirates, Dominican Republic, Costa Rica, Morocco, or even Israel (ranked 28). On the other hand, the United Kingdom is ranked number 18, with an expenditure which is only about 6% of its GDP, compare to the 15% in the USA. The highest ranking country is France. Obviously money isn't everything, contrary to common American belief. So, what is important in achieving a capable healthcare system?

The first thing that I can think of is mentioned in the WHO report: universal care. In American lingo this translates to Socialism, however, this is not what the WHO says. One should understand that to be healthy, it is not enough just to pay your ever-growing health insurance policy. It is also important that your neighbor, who may not be as lucky in securing a good healthcare plan as you are, is healthy. For some odd reasons, bacteria and viruses tend to ignore the sum of money you have in the bank, or the type of insurance card you have from your healthcare provider. If your neighbor becomes sick, chances are that you will fall ill as well. Especially if this neighbor is unable to pay for a visit to the doctor, or for the pills prescribed to him. And with 16.6% of Americans uninsured (as of 2007, I believe this percentage will be much higher, as unemployment has risen from about 4% or 5% at that time to about 9.5% today), that means that one of every 6 households are not insured. So, if you live at a house and you have neighbors on all your sides, at least one house around you is uninsured, won't go to the doctor, and there is a high chance you will contract his flu. A proof of that can be seen by the number of H1N1 (swine flu) victims in the USA, which is the highest in the world, 436 confirmed deaths, and it's not even fall or winter here. Yet.

However, it is not enough to make insurance accessible to the lower classes of the population. President Obama suggested a reform that will add a government option for Americans in addition to the private plans. I can't see how this is much different than the existing Medicaid program, but that is only me - I am not a recondite of the American healthcare system. It seems to me that a government run plan as an option is too little too late. Naturally asking for more from the American people, who genuinely believes that it has the best healthcare system in the world, is too much so the president has to settle for this little. Yet, even this is too much for the Americans, and the republican party fights it in every way it can, including scare and slur tactics.

In addition to that, there is a growing anxiety here about president Obama's alleged plans to "socialize" the country. Stemming from the stimulus plans (the first one, which bailed out the banks was actually passed in the term of the Bush administration, but don't confuse the GOP with facts), there were growing concerns about the growing intervention of the administration in the economy and now with the healthcare reform - in the healthcare system. As I wrote in the previous paragraph, I think that the healthcare reform is not enough, but even if President Obama's plans were to socialize the healthcare system completely (as per the GOP's scare tactics), what evil could come from this "socialization"? The worst that can happen, with these kind of expenditures spent on health as they are now, is that the American system will be similar to, and probably exceed, the ones in Germany (ranked 25 in the world), Sweden (23), Norway (11) or France (1). What's wrong with that?

Monday, August 3, 2009

Good Things, Bad Things: Economy

This post is part of the "Good Things, Bad Things" series.

I am no economist. I do not know how to make good investments, never have known and probably will never know. I know one thing about economy: you have to spend less than what you earn. Otherwise, the expenses overcome the income and you go bankrupt. Simple as that. This is the number one rule of home economics. So, how did we get to the current mess?

We got there by simply not following the rules. I'm sorry, not rules - a rule. There isn't much really to it. But why didn't we follow one simple, 6-words rule? I think that the reason is quite simple: we, the people, wanted to have more, better, and fancier stuff. Somehow during the last 50 years the US-led Western economy has shifted from manufacturing based to consumer based. Instead of a positive influx of money into the US (and Germany, Japan, and other Western countries) we now spend much more than what we get. To get them, we shifted the plants that manufacture them to areas of the world that do not observe the same workers rights that we do in the west. It can be merely not paying the same salaries, but often it also involves longer working hours with little rest or no weekends, under-aged workers (not to say child slavery in the extreme cases), and so on. The average price of a T-Shirt has been dropping for ages at a rate of several percents, mainly because it is cheaper to manufacture them in places like China, Indonesia, or the Philippines, while Western textile factories have shut down. As another example think about the demise of the shoe-repair shops. Until 20-30 years ago when a shoe was torn, people went to repair them, now we buy a new pair of shoes. There is no incentive to keep shoe-repairing shops anymore and they shut down. This is one part of the equation - buy more products with the less money spent per each product. This not necessarily reduces the amount of money we spend on consumer products, and surely enough - we as a civilization have been spending more and more.

At the same time, the same factories and manufacturing that were shifting to the undeveloped world caused the Western civilization to have ever bigger gaps in the balance of trade between the West and the 3rd world. For example, the American balance of trade with China and Japan has been in a great deficit over the last 25 years (since 1985), causing an ever growing debt to these countries, as can be seen in the figure below, which is the work of Alex1011 and is taken from Wikipedia.

If the same debt had been accumulated by a single person, or a single company, they would have had to pay it or go bankrupt. When it comes to countries, things are more complex. However, I think that it can be safe to assume that such great deficits are not healthy to any economy.

But it gets even worse, I'm afraid. At first, manufacturing was out-sourced to economies with cheaper, but less proficient, work-force. However, two parallel processes have been developing over time based on this move: 1) the work force in those 3rd world countries has become more and more proficient, and 2) as they become more proficient the West have shifted the manufacturing of more complex goods to these countries. Let's take Brazil for example. Cars have been manufactured in Brazil since the late 1950s, starting with Toyota and Volkswagen, and in the last 50 years this industry have evolved with almost all modern car manufacturers working there (see link above). Brazil manufactures about 3 million cars and has passed France as of 2008, with high end models like Volkswagen Beetle as an example. However, if one can manufacture cars in Brazil, why not progress to the aerospace industry? Embraer is Brazil's most important aerospace manufacturer, and one of the four major manufacturers of commerce airplanes in the world (in the same league with Boeing, Airbus). Its major growth started in the 1970s. Nowadays, many commuter airlines in the US use Embraer models, especially the smaller ones that carry about 50-100 passengers.

There is nothing wrong with having 3rd world countries developing. On the contrary: when they develop there is a growing market for products that they could not afford earlier. However, as the manufacturing of more and more products is shifted, the local workers in the West lose their ability to manufacture complex products. In the last decade things have deteriorated to the point that Asian companies also design many of the "American" products. The Harvard Business Review writes that American companies have lost their ability to manufacture and design many of the small and simple things they used to be able to manufacture in the past. They even lost their ability to manufacture cutting-edge technology stuff, like the Kindle or the Boeing 787's carbon-fiber components.

Trade balance is just one angle. There is another one: government deficit, which also has been rising constantly. American administrations have always had problems with balancing their sheet, but since Clinton's administration the situation has been going from bad to worse. The 2009 deficit is projected to be more than 1 trillion dollars, some say even 1.8 trillion dollars.

On the lower end of the scale one can look at the consumers. Until the burst of the credit bubble Americans just spent without any second thought, or so it appears. That's why more and more people have huge debts and they turn to defaults and bankruptcies. This in turn is just a symptom of the illness I tried to present earlier: if manufacturing is low, as a whole, then each worker should have less money to earn. Less money to earn - and increased consumerism - must boil down to debt, that's simple math.

So, what is the correct way? How do you fix it? If I had the answer to that, I would probably win the Noble prize. However, it seems to me that the government has to reign in the uncontrollable masses. How? First, levee much higher taxes. This will also improve the government deficit. For example, if each American paid additional $1000 a year in taxes, the deficit would decrease by 350 Billion dollars. $5000 more a year, and the deficit is gone! Tax rates in America are low, compared to the rest of the Western world, however, Americans are not likely to allow this tax raise, and the administration will not be able to do it until the crunch gets much worse. One may argue that higher taxes will result in lower growth rates, which is the last thing desired during an economic crisis. That is true, but high deficit also boils down to more expensive debt for anyone, and higher credit costs, which in turn hinders long-lasting and healthy growth. So, which problem is bigger? Higher rates or higher taxes? Interesting. If I were the president I would increase taxes significantly and try to eliminate the deficit or at least reduce it almost to zero, even at the cost of immediate, short-lived, growth. He has 4 years in office and can afford it. Short-lived "bubble" growth that stems from the stimulus plan will likely to evaporate faster than we think - perhaps before the next presidential elections.

Another thing to consider is investment in bringing back the industry and science to the US. This should be done cleverly, as not all fields will yield the same desired results. However, science, engineering and information technology should come back to the US. Perhaps a new race to the moon is in order? On the other hand, the US has nothing to gain from its failing auto industry until this industry sheds all the excess and starts to make small, fuel efficient and cheap cars. In any case many Americans buy smaller cars from Japanese manufacturers that produce in America, so why support GM or Chrysler?!

Economy: hard to grasp. Let's stick to the basics: spend less than what you earn.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Good Things, Bad Things: Food and Nutrition

This post is part of the Good Things, Bad Things series.

Before we arrived in the States we had already known that good coffee is hard to come by here. In Tel Aviv, where we used to live, I was able to count between 10 and 20 coffee shops along Eben Gabirol (Hebrew) street, in the block between King David and Arlozorov streets, which is roughly the block I was living in. Indeed, at some point the best known coffee brand in the US, Starbucks, tried to establish a place in this same block. It was closed shortly after the opening, because Israelis were not willing to pay for the overpriced, low-quality, coffee that Starbucks had to offer, with all the better competitors around it (Hebrew).
We managed to find good coffee at Jungle Jim's, a local store, that sells food imported from all over the world. There, we were also able to find some of D's best loved food from the United Kingdom, such as HP Sauce, Branston Pickle, and tea, and some Israeli food, though not the most important product.

I think that the coffee world is the micro-cosmos of the entire food and nutrition industry in the US. The market is roughly divided into American low-end, American high-end, and international parts.

The American low-end part is intended for the use of the lower class / poor people. There you can get big portions for small bucks, and usually the quality is poor, taste is "industrialized" and nutrition values are questionable at best. Good examples for brands that specialize in this market are McDonald's, with the controversies regarding its nutrition values. As part of a varied diet, a Big Mac, as any other product of the fast-food industry, is something that I like to eat every now and then. The problem begins when one's entire diet is based on these products, and this person doesn't eat other types of food, especially vegetables and fruits. We, as students, found that we have to eat too much fast-food because of the limited variety at the university, that favors fast-food chains over nutritious options. However, we have choice, and we started to use it more often than before and bring home-cooked food, which is more healthy. Other people are not as lucky as us, I'm afraid. Since fast-food is cheap by design, many poor people prefer (or are forced by lack of other option) to eat it. if they were trying to eat vegetables or fruits instead of fast-food, it would cost them much higher for the same amount. This may explain why Americans have high rates of obesity compared to other developed and not-so developed countries. Combined with the existing health care system here, ranked 37 in the world by WHO, this can explain the high overall mortality rate in the US. But, I digress.

The second type of food here is the high-end American products. This includes brands like Starbucks, who sell a cup of latte for about $3-$5, depending on its size and the branch location. In comparison, for $5 you can get a foot long sub at Subway. So, only the rich can afford this type of food, but I'm afraid that to my taste it's not that tasty. Here I think plays another part of the equation, which is branding and "fanciness". I think that most people buy Starbucks on their way to the office to show that they can afford it, that they are successful. I haven't polled too many Americans (basically because I don't know enough), but the ones I did ask say that they don't like the coffee, and many of them prefer the bland American coffee to Starbucks' latte. Yet, they buy it in Starbucks for the paper-cup with the green logo.

The last type of food here is the part that we personally prefer: the international food. For lack of customers (I assume), Israeli and Mediterranean food is not the thing here in Cincinnati, except maybe the Mirage. However, this area has a lot of great Indian places, among which we found Krishna to be both cheap and tasty.

There are, however, some exceptions that I would recommend having in Israel. I really love the combination of quick service with good quality (mostly) Mexican food of the Chipotle chain. I also like the atmosphere, pastries and soups at Panera Bread's branches. In the Italian front perhaps we would recommend the Maggiano's chain of posh Italian restaurants. On the other had, we have at least two better chains of Italian restaurants, namely: Joya and Pasta Mia.

In conclusion, food - like many other things in the US - is a matter of social standing more than anything else. In addition, it's highly franchised and commercialized. If you want good food, you either have to make your own, pay a lot, or get really lucky.

Monday, July 27, 2009

To Blog or not to Blog

To blog, or not to blog: that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,
And by writing end them? To blog: to silence;
No more; and by a blog to say we end
The heart-ache and the thousand natural shocks
That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation
Devoutly to be wish'd. To blog, to silence;
To silence: perchance to drown out: ay, there's the rub;
For in that drowning out what screams may we scream
When we have shuffled off this mortal coil,
Must give us pause: there's the respect
That makes calamity of so long life;
For who would bear the whips and scorns of time,
The oppressor's wrong, the proud man's contumely,
The pangs of despised love, the law's delay,
The insolence of office and the spurns
That patient merit of the unworthy sages,
When he himself might his quietus make
With a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear,
To grunt and sweat under a weary life,
But that the dread of something after post,
The ever-index'd country from whose base
No data escapes, puzzles the will
And makes us rather bear those ills we have
Than write to others that we know not of?
Thus implications do make cowards of us all;
And thus the native hue of resolution
Is sicklied o'er with the pale cast of thought,
And enterprises of great pitch and moment
With this regard their currents turn awry,
And lose the name of action

Naturally, this post is based on Shakespeare's Hamlet. Quote - with alterations - thanks to Wikipedia. I couldn't rise quite to the level of the original, but sometimes you have to try.

Monday, July 20, 2009

So They Put A Man On The Moon - Now What?

One of the buzz stories now is the 40th anniversary of the landing on the moon, which was the culmination of almost a decade of enormous efforts. In my humble opinion this is probably the most ambitious and important combination of scientific and engineering efforts. However, since the last landing on the moon, Humanity has not been able to achieve it again. It's a shame that we - a group of more than 6 billion people - cannot join our forces in space exploration. The biggest achievement we have had came as a result of the cold war, rather than a result of cooperation. If necessity is the mother of all invention, war is its illegitimate dad.
Since the beginning of the 1970s space exploration has deteriorated gradually. First, only repeated landings on the moon with subsequent Apollo launches were made. Then, most missions became unmanned, and nowadays the only space flights are to Low Earth Orbits. Hardly 1/1000 of the distance to the moon. Even the International Space Station, Humanity's biggest cooperation to this date, is a small habitat of barely 6 astronauts (after increasing its size lately), who have to be relieved from their station every few month lest their bones decompose to the point of no return. If that's what we can achieve when all of Humanity cooperate, perhaps a war is in order.
But seriously, since the cold war has ended, in the late 1980s, and American companies have turned to manufacture their products in foreign lands, mostly in Asia, America as a nation has become more and more dependent on other nations. In the last decade things have deteriorated even further and now Asian companies also design many of the "American" products. The Harvard Business Review writes that American companies have lost their ability to manufacture and design many of the small and simple things they used to be able to manufacture in the past. They even lost their ability to manufacture cutting-edge technology stuff, like the Kindle or the Boeing 787's carbon-fiber components. The last nuclear reactor to start development (i.e. be designed) was in the 1970s. If this is the case, how can we expect America to lead the world technologically?
In my humble opinion, space exploration is not an option: it's a mandatory thing. It's something that we need to give to prosperity. This planet is already overcrowded, and it's getting worse. Climate changes will kill millions in the coming decades, yet we do nothing. For example, rocketry for instance, which is the only way we have to escape Earth's gravity at the moment, has not changed much since the Chinese invented the gun powder. At some time in the future a meteor will strike Earth and make it inhabitable for centuries, yet we do nothing. We need to save our lives and that can be done only by exploring other options. I am afraid the only hope is that the Chinese will start a new race against the USA, because this is our only chance to another big effort that may drive all of Humanity forward. Let it be soon, in our lifetime.

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Good Things, Bad Things: Academy

This post is part of the Good Things, Bad Things list.

When we had just considered coming to the USA we were thinking about a good academic institution, which will help launch our careers in a new direction. We ended up in Cincinnati, mainly due to the fact that this is the only place where we could secure a good financial position. The academic level of the University of Cincinnati, albeit being rated in most fields amongst the top 100 in the US or 200 in the world, is certainly not even close to the academic level in the leading institutions. When I compare UC to the Technion, the level of studies that I had in my bachelors degree is much higher than the level of studies in the department here.

<---- A section here was harmonized ---->

One can simply argue that our findings should be limited to the specific university we're attending at the moment and that in other places the level is much higher. I agree with the logic, but we spoke with a girl we know that studies at a very good university, one of the Ivy League universities, and she said that the level of her studies is not so high as well. On the other hand, one of the professors at my department simply said that I expect too much, because I compare the Technion to UC, whereas I should compare the Technion to MIT. That's a very flattering way of putting it, but according to world universities rankings, the Technion is much closer to UC than it is to MIT. In fact, in most rankings American universities take 8 of the best 10 universities world wide. I wonder if they really are that good, or maybe the rankings are given by mostly American scholars, who get caught in the same trap most Americans are caught in: not realizing that there is a world outside the US, and that this world is just as smart and successful as they can be.

Another problem is that rating a university is almost an impossible task. Firstly, a university has many colleges and programs, and averaging the college of business with the college of arts is as relevant as averaging the size of elephants with the color of grass. Furthermore, even if you focus on the ranking of a particular college, department or program, there are still differences in the way each university is divided, and in many cases there are programs, e.g. aerospace engineering, which can be a separate department or a part of a department. Lastly, rankings - by definition - attribute a number to something. When it comes to a vague, and mostly non-numeric field as academic excellence, it is almost impossible to rate. So, several numerical factors are weighted to yield a ranking. However, who says that these are the right factors? For example, I saw in one ranking that the number of students is a factor. What does the number of students tell about the level of studies? If anything, it should be a curve with an optimum, while most universities are ranked by their ability to attract as many students as possible. And who decides on the weights of each factor? This is a completely subjective thing.

So, if rankings are useless we are back to the feeling of the student that takes the program. Currently, our feeling is that we should have been taking better programs.

Related links to university rankings:

Friday, July 17, 2009

From Bowling to Fear in 120 Minutes

We have just finished watching the movie "Bowling to Columbine" on DVD. This is not my first time watching it, and although this movie has many flaws in the way Michael Moore presents and comments on the facts, there is one question being raised and going unanswered throughout the movie: why do Americans end up killing each other in such great numbers, whereas other nations manage not to do so despite being not less violent or possessing more guns than Americans?
My gut feeling is that the answer lies in the way American society is built. This ultimate individualism, which turns people to competitors in the race for - rather than contributors to the achievement of - personal happiness. Therefore they fear each other, and prevent themselves from making new acquaintances. Therefore they hate, segregate and avoid socializing with those deemed different. Therefore they don't try to get to know the other person, certainly not to help them when they are weak. In their eyes life is a zero-sum competitive game, so if the other gains I have to lose. And so the vicious circle continues.
I have mentioned before that Israelis tend to imitate Americans, and this is also something we do well in Israel - hate, segregate, and compete instead of helping each other. We're still a society, but our social values are less profound than they used to be. I hope we don't start killing each other at the same rate Americans do. But it seems to me that the sign is already on the wall.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Good Things, Bad Things: Technology

This post is part of the "Good Things, Bad Things" list I am trying to compile to describe our life here in Cincinnati before the first anniversary of our relocation.

A good thing about life here is the abundance of gadgets and technology. But it is not uniformly distributed around the US, between companies, or among people. For example, we are connected to the internet using a fiber optic cable and we have a bandwidth of 30Mbps download. That's something that most Americans can't get because the infrastructure just doesn't get to their houses. Some of them also don't want to be connected to the internet all the time, and prefer the old fashioned dial up.
However, if you are a technology enthusiast, like we are, you can get almost anything you want, for a price that is. I have a new Kindle2, which can download books using the cellular network provided for "free" by Amazon ("free" means it's part of the book's cost and there is no extra charge for it).

When we first moved here we decided that since we didn't have a lot of money we should not get a TV and rely on internet connection and online entertainment options. As most of these websites don't work outside of the United States, Israelis rarely experience them. However, we have found out that we can follow almost every show that plays, a day or two after it was aired, at any of the websites of TV channels: ABC, NBC, TBS, CNN, and I guess several more - all have sites that allow you to watch TV. There is also Hulu, which aggregates several of these networks for our convenience. From Israel we can watch channel 10 (except for the football games, which was very annoying), but their relying on Windows Media technologies is very annoying compared to the superior Flash technology that all American channels use nowadays.
And then you have Netflix, which for a very small fee a month ($9) streams unlimited videos and TV shows which were distributed on DVDs, or sends the DVDs (one at a time) home.
So, basically, we don't need any TV now. In the future we may get a computer to act as a media player and stream all the videos that we want to a computer monitor (30 inch maybe?).

The main problem nowadays is cellular connection. When we first arrived here this was one of the first thing we did, thinking that we will have to communicate in some way or another with one another and with others. So we went to the only company that was generous enough to give us a plan without credit history: Verizon. It was a huge disappointment. It seems that the company messes up the user interface of it's phones, in the name of uniformity and "ease of use". I couldn't deal with my pay-as-you-go phone, which was really horrible, and switched to T-Mobile as soon as I could. There I could keep my old Sony-Ericsson, because they have a GSM network, but they don't have a 3rd generation network in Cincinnati area. How pathetic is that? And what good does it do anyone that they have Google phones if they don't have the 3rd generation infrastructure to support them? In general it seems that none of the American networks supports 3G very well outside the main cities along the coast. And that is my main complaint about American technology: you can get it, but it is limited to the rich areas and rich people living in them. Try to get internet connection or 3G in Kansas or North Dakota. You'll be happy to have limited cellular connection and dial up internet there...

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Good Things, Bad Things: Society

This post is part of the "Good Things, Bad Things" list I am trying to compile to describe our life here in Cincinnati before the first anniversary of our relocation.

There is no way around it, American society is a very ill society, almost to the point of a-socialism. If I may add a word to the English dictionary I would call it asociety. From top to bottom, from social infrastructure to daily life - nothing works in this asociety. On the list of bad things in Cincinnati, and perhaps the entire nation, I would say that American society is by far the worse.
American society is plagued by the following social pandemics: xenophobia, prejudice, and puritanism. I will now go on to explain in short what each pandemic is and how it manifests itself.
Americans are xenophobic. I don't think it's the result of the atrocities of September 11, most probably it is rooted far more in the past. They hate, fear and are repelled by foreigners on any level from the federal to the personal.
On the Federal level, this xenophobia starts with their requirements for visas. For example, Israelis are able to enter Canada as tourists without a visa, whereas they are required to have a valid tourist visa to enter the US. One may say that this is because Israelis tend to overstay their visas and work illegally. While this is true for some Israelis, it certainly isn't true for all, but more importantly the same incentives for Israelis to overstay in the US apply also for the Canadian case, so why the difference in policy.
On the personal level this xenophobia manifests itself in the most bizarre ways that American will use in order to avoid having strangers and even acquaintances in their home. For example, if they throw a party, they will do it in their yard or garage, just as long as no one will be allowed in their home. We see that every weekend in the area and it's unbelievable. It is as if Americans are afraid of having people in their homes.
Unfortunately, this xenophobia is not limited to their domiciles. D now faces something that I realized when I started working at the University: people hardly speak to each other at work. When they do, it's mostly on work issues and not personal stuff. As unbelievable as it may seem, people can spend a whole day here without ever talking with any of their peers. In Israel, when you're working there is always people to talk to. When you enter the office there's always "what's up?" and "how are you?". When one gets coffee (another big problem here), someone always joins in and you talk while making coffee. You even drink it together most often. People go to lunch together, all in the name of socializing. People care about each other and become friends, and then they invite each other home. It is unheard of that people are not invited to eat lunch with others on their first day at a work place. Absolutely none of that happens here. People here are like impenetrable bubbles, or even repelling magnets; if two happen to be too close to each other they utter "excuse me" and scurry away from each other without making eye contact.
The strangest thing is that Americans do it with the utmost politeness. If you happen to walk across someone he or she always greets you hello or nod their heads. They smile. They say "excuse me", and "thank you", though they don't say "your welcome" here, just a kind of an impolite "uh-huh".

Xenophobia goes well with prejudice. It's not pure racism as used to be here in the past, but undoubtedly it's better to be a white male than a black woman. Not to mention an alien. In Cincinnati neighborhoods are color-coded: the good are populated by whites and the African-Americans reside in the bad ones. This goes on to affect the schools they will study in, thus affecting their chances of social mobility. In general I would say that a black may become rich and successful, but it will take a unique talent, whether in sports or academy. The vast majority, perhaps 99%, will not be able to escape the fate of their ancestors. Perhaps a new African-American president will help bridge these gaps, but I have serious doubts. I think that most whites are still afraid of the Blacks around them, either because they have a different skin color (thus evoking xenophobia) or because they are used to thinking about them in terms of poor and violent people.

Perhaps as a method of helping them feel better about their ways, the people here tend strongly to be puritans. It's not a simple "bible-belt" thing, as we don't live in the area, but it's close and stems from the same Christian devotion. For example, women here tend to wear clothes that are less revealing than in Israel, while the summer here is as hot as in Tel Aviv. In D's new work place they have a booklet of instructions regarding proper behavior and attire: no Crocks, no jeans, and naturally no cleavage. Understandably, they will avoid saying words like fuck and shit, but they will also use words like gosh and hack, instead of God and hell, all in the name of the God they will not utter His name. Confused? So are we.

What's even worse, it seems to me that Israeli society is striving hard to become more American than American. Which means that we take the things that work well for us as Israelis and befoul them by imitating probably the worst society to have ever existed since the Roman Empire.

Good Things, Bad Things

I have been toying with the idea of writing a list of things I like and dislike about Cincinnati, and America in general. The more I thought about it, the more it appeared to me that this list is going to be long and hard to complete. Not to mention the fact that it's going to be impossible for any reader to follow.
So, instead, I decided to compile this list in parts, where each part will try to encompass a single aspect of our lives here. I think that it is becoming to do it between America's birthday and the anniversary of our arrival here, so hopefully I will be able to complete it in the allotted period of time.
Naturally, most of the analysis will be based on a comparison between the two countries that I lived in: Israel and here.
What are the topics?
Hopefully, I can make this list interesting and on time for our anniversary here, which is about two months from now.

Friday, June 26, 2009

The siege syndrome

Israelis like to say that they are under siege. I don't know if it stems out of the Holocaust, the first decades of Israel's existence, or maybe from millennia of antisemitism in Europe, but it is quite preposterous now. It is not that Israelis, and Jews in general, are liked everywhere nor by any one, but enough with this siege syndrome. So, when I get an email asking me to support Dr. Yoram Blachar, who is up for or has been elected as the Worlds Medical Doctors Association (or something of the like, I don't really follow) against a fierce opposition that claims that he supported Israeli torture of prisoners, or a highlight about an Israeli Facebook group, whose goal is to counter another Facebook group that calls for a boycott over Israel, I am left speechless. This is preposterous. At least theFacebook group could attach a link for the other group that we know it is real.

And even if Facebook decides to boycott Israel - fine, let them. They won't be the first nor the last to do so. I think most Israelis drive cars manufactured by companies that used to boycott Israel until the 1990s, succombing to Arab and Isalamic pressure. Mazda, Toyota, Honda, and Mitsubishi - all had been boycotting Israel until the peace process with the Palestinians began and the Arab boycott was lifted in the 1990s. Of Japanes car manufacturers, only Subaru were selling cars in Israel in the 1980s or earlier. Mitsubishi were the first to break that boycott in 1989 or 1990 if I remember correctly.

Being paranoid is not a problem, naturally. People might be trying to hurt you. As anything, it is a good thing when taken moderately, until it makes you do stupid things. It seems to me, from afar, that the new Israeli government has been adding to this siege syndrome. I wonder if it is for political survival purposes, gaining internal cohesion before some controversial military act, or something done without a goal. In any case, playing with fire might get you burnt. I hope this will not be the case for us.

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Design changes

A few design changes have been made by D to make this blog look better. Thanks.

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Las Vegas

I promised in my Delta tirade that I'll write about our trip to Las Vegas. What can be said about Las Vegas that has not been said before? Probably nothing. Therefore, this post will only list a few points that I find unique.
Las Vegas is expensive. Don't let yourself be fooled by the low accommodation prices (we stayed at the Stratosphere for about $40/night). The main idea is to lure you in, and once you're there everything costs. A lot. I like to use an index that I call "The diet index" - how much you pay for a Diet Coke or a Diet Pepsi bottle at a vending machine. As I am addicted to these drinks this is an important index for me. In Las Vegas the average vending machine price was ~$2.50 for a 590ml bottle. That's about twice the price I pay at the university for the same bottle, and I think that the ratio of 2:1 is quite typical to Las Vegas. We ended up spending around a thousand dollars during the five days we stayed there, not including the flights and hotel room. And we actually spent less than the $100 we intended to spend on gambling, so most of the money was spent on food.
Las Vegas is disorienting. D already wrote about the way hotels are trying to disorient their visitors. However, there is more to it. Hotels, and lots in general, are just huge. I think that the lots are measured in squared kilometers (or their American equivalent) and not dunams. Hotels are built huge in order to be able to give it some theme, for example The Paris Las Vegas, The New York New York and The Venetian are all trying to imitate the look and atmosphere of their respective city. That goes both inside and outside. This imitation requires a lot of space and thought. Space is abundant as Las Vegas is practically built out of the desert, but it's not that simple. Since tourism is mainly concentrated at the Las Vegas Strip, which is a single boulevard, the best hotels compete for a central location ("Location, Location, Location").
The disorientation is not limited to the facades of the hotels. It's mainly inside the hotels. In an effort to block the outside world from the gamblers inside the casinos, there are no clocks and very few windows, thus the sense of time is lost. Add to that the constant bombardment of jingling sounds and dazzling lights and inside the casino from all the slot machines, and one can hardly process where one is or what was his or her intentions. The paths between slot machines form a grid that do not lead to or from any exit or entrance, again trying to create a maze where a person will get lost and start playing. Once you're seated at a card table or a slot machine, waitresses with minimal clothes will come to offer you free drinks, in order to keep you sitting. I wonder how come they don't connect people to mobile latrines.
Las Vegas is also the most liberal city I know in the USA. In this sense it even surpasses Tel Aviv. Prostitution is legal in Nevada, and so is gambling (of course) and drinking outside. Almost all the grand hotels offer topless spectacles with some kind of a plot or another. On the strip there are trucks advertising escort services 24/7 (or at least at any hour that we happened to be outside). At every strip corner you can find several magazines with nude photos with the same services. I have to say that you can find that in Tel Aviv as well, but at least in Las Vegas it's legal. D and I have agreed that legalizing prostitution is beneficial to all parties involved, especially the women working in it. One has to accept certain facts about human nature, even if they are not nice, for example people will always want to drink alcohol or prostitution will never be gone. Legalizing prostitution will take crime lords out of this business, just like the Mafia lost ground when drinking was legalized after the Prohibition.
All in all, it was a long awaited vacation and I'm glad we took it. Now we are already back to work: D at her new internship and I teach a (yet another) new class.

Here are some photos that D took:

The Las Vegas Strip as seen at night:

Piazza San Marco - An indoors view at The Venetian:

Gondolas at the Central Canal, The Venetian indoors:

A night look of The Stratosphere, where we stayed:

My D standing inside a street of The Paris (indoors again):

This is a slightly exaggerated size of the actual daiquiris sold in Las Vegas. This one is from the indoors of The Miracle Mile shops, Planet Hollywood

The Paris outdoors:

This is a typical casino room at Las Vegas: a lot of noise and commotion. This one was taken at the New York, New York.

And this is how The New York, New York looks from the outside:

Sunday, June 21, 2009

Kindle 2: impressions of the first two weeks

One of the best things about living in America is the ability to experience all the newest technologies. That is, if you have the money, which we usually don't. However, in the case of Amazon's Kindle 2, one can almost find the perfect excuse for buying a Kindle: it will eventually save us money, as I am an avid reader. So, as the inventory of new books for me to read was diminishing we decided to get me one instead of new books.
After receiving the Kindle 2 I can say that it is a fun gadget and it does make you want to read more. It is fairly easy to use, although in today's world of touch screens I was expecting it to have one as well. I think, however, that there are too many buttons to control the device. For example, there are two "Next Page" buttons, one on each side of the gadget. Most of the functionality is controlled by the "Menu" button and is quite basic.
The display itself is very readable and easy on the eyes, due to the Kindle's best feature: the electronic ink screen. The display is very power efficient and uses battery only when the display is changed, for example when you turn a page. So far I am very impressed by the efficiency: I haven't charged the Kindle since the initial (and partial as I was too eager to start using it) charge. In the time until now I have already finished one book and more than a hundred pages. On the other hand I scarcely use the wireless capabilities, because I haven't downloaded a book from Amazon yet. The Kindle is equipped with an experimental basic text-based web browser. We tried to use it in Vegas to get some information from the Lonely Planet website, but it was too slow and awkward to use.
The web browser also emphasizes one of the few shortcomings of the device: the display refreshes very - very - slowly. There is a significant latency between the command you give (e.g. turn a page) and the refresh of the display. It's less than a second, but more than a comfortable time lag.
By a recommendation of one of D's classmates I downloaded several books from the free and open library of Project Gutenberg. The books in this library come in various formats, ranging from simple text files to a variety of e-book formats, but none of them is the Kindle's native - and property of Amazon - format. However, Kindle itself supports several e-book formats, some of them can also be found at Project Gutenberg. You can also use Amazon's services to reformat a file that is not supported by Kindle, e.g. Word documents or PDF files. To do that just send the file to an email address provided by Amazon. The reformatted file will be sent back to you either by email (for free, but then you have to manually transfer the file to your Kindle) or directly to the Kindle (for $0.10). See the link above for more details.
One last feature, which I find very useful and I enjoy a lot, is the built-in dictionary. If you happen to encounter a word that you don't know (and it happens a lot in Project Gutenberg's books, as they are all from the 19th century or older), simple use the navigation joystick to point at the word. The dictionary will automatically show you the meaning of the word, and if you want to know more, you can press "Enter" to show a page with the definition. If only I had had that before the GRE course I took...

In summary, I think that the Kindle is an excellent book reader and something that I will recommend to any book-lover. The only small problems with it are the slow refresh rate of the display, and the non-functional web browser. If Amazon are looking at further improvements to the Kindle I recommend they start there. In addition, I think that the price ($359.00) is too expensive, and should have at least included a free gift for several books to be downloaded from Amazon. In a short time the Kindle changed my reading habits and made reading a better and a more educating experience. Just remember: you cannot use it to read books during take off and landing, but I think it's okay to use it in steady flight if you turn off the cellular connectivity.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

To Vegas and back with Delta

We spent a few days in Las Vegas. A more complete account of that will follow sometime soon, I hope. In the meantime you can see D's account here.
This post, however, will be dedicated to the worst airline company I have ever traveled with: Delta (do yourself a favor: don't follow that link and book a ticket with them). For starters, they are the stingiest most penny-pinching bastards in the industry. Everything - and I literally mean everything - costs an extra. The extra for checking in luggage is not new, but is still annoying. From here it just goes straight down: do you want to eat on a four and half hours flight? No problem - you can either get two tiny "complimentary" peanuts packages or pay for a sandwich. Are you thirsty after eating "all these peanuts"? We'll fetch you drinks, don't worry. It will take us a full hour before we start doing it, and then it will take us another full hour to traverse the entire length of a Boeing 737 aisle (it's not long, believe me), and then we'll give you a small cup of water or soda. Don't think of getting another one before landing.

What about in-flight entertainment? Contrary to most airlines (including Delta) that use a small airplane that doesn't have in-flight entertainment systems, we had a system on both flights. However, this is probably only for extortion purposes: Delta charge for everything, except maybe some TV shows. They charge $2 for the headsets, and about $5 for every film, game or other entertainment during the flight. May I remind you that it's a 4.5 hours flight, which is roughly the time to fly from Tel-Aviv to any Western European destination?

The seats in coach have such a small leg-room that I think Delta actually broke El-Al's record here. Do you want to stretch your legs or God forbid use the bathrooms? You're pushing your luck, pal, because for every stray cirrus cloud seen from 40 miles distance the pilot turns on the "buckle your seat-belt" sign and you're not allowed to get up. This literally left about 10-15 minutes of flight without being constrained to the seat. Needless to say that with other airlines I was able to go to the restroom and use them while the aircraft experienced much greater disturbances.

Since the seat-curfew was enforced on both flights (to Vegas and from Vegas) I am quite certain that it's a policy with Delta. Like in any crime one can only ask what is the motive behind this crime? Well, it could be as benign as the simple explanation: it's easier to control the crowd when they all are seated and buckled to their chairs. It could also be something more problematic: someone realized that this way people will not be able to get to the kitchenette and ask for more drinks, or nobody will use the restrooms, thus the airline can spend less on toiletries. I am not joking here, from all the stinginess I have experienced from Delta I am quite certain of the latter being the real reason.

Sunday, June 14, 2009


In Israel summers are very dull: hot, humid and no rain. In Cincinnati it's quite the opposite. It started as a nice day. Really.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Sitting on the balcony

We have a small balcony. It was mainly unused so far, except maybe for piling up snow in the winter. As spring is almost over and summer is upon us, the neighbors all started putting garden chairs out. Today we also bought a couple of foldable chairs and now we are sitting outside, with our laptops, naturally. Thanks God for wireless LAN.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

Israeli general consul at UC

The Israeli general consul in the US for the Mid-Atlantic states was at UC on Thursday. He gave a nice speech in which he explained the Israeli stand on many issues, mostly on the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. No doubt, he did a good job at that, and was able to answer many questions from the audience, even two provocative questions from a pro-Palestinian student.
However, I was disappointed by the scope of the address. I feel, and expressed these feelings to whomever cared to listen, that a formal Israeli representative should represent Israel - as a whole - not just a poor side of it, namely the conflict. Israel is so much more than a conflict, even though this is what attracts most of the media attention. Israeli representatives should show that Israel is a westernized, relatively liberal, democratic society with many success stories, especially in arts, sciences and technology. This is even more important when the meeting takes place in the College of Arts and Sciences!
There are many reasons why the focus of such meetings should be changed. Firstly, many Americans (and I guess many citizens of other nations as well) don't know Israel other than what the media shows, which is the conflict. That limits their views to only views regarding the conflict, and usually forces them to take sides based on this narrow aspect.
Furthermore, when all you do is talk about the conflict you shed light on both sides of the conflict. Some of this light, perhaps most of it, is spent on your side, naturally, but there is also some light that goes to the other side. Why waste so much energy? Why not show just your country? Just your side?
Finally, and perhaps most importantly, when you depict Israel as what it is - and not what the conflict prism causes it to seem - you enable broader perspectives. I think it would be easier for a Westerner to identify with Israeli success stories than it would be for him to identify with Israel's stand on a bloody conflict. People are more bent towards things they can identify in themselves and their culture (modernism, democracy, liberalism) than towards conflicts and wars. Why not provide them with the opportunity to do that?

There are enough success stories to tell. Lately, I have just finished reading on how Americans are coming to realize Israeli success in the Clean-Tech field, which is the new buzz-word now. Why don't you tell us a bit about that, Israeli general consul?

Mediterranean Food

We've been wanting to eat some Hummus and Pita for a while now. Today we decided that it's time! We Googled for Mediterranean restaurants in Cincinnati and found The Mirage. It's a mix of Mediterranean food and Russian ancestry, which makes it perfect for us: we both miss the sound of Russian and the taste of Hummus. We had a plate of hummus, which was tasty but a bit too watery, with real pita breads! The rest of the food was even better: I had lentils soup, which a very Mediterranean taste, D had Falafels plate, with real vegetarian salad, and I had beef shish-kebab. Everything was great. We will definitely go back for more great food and feeling of home.

Sunday, May 3, 2009

Update: Work Load

It appears that I am the only one that started teaching right on the first term. According to the associate department head responsible for teaching, usually they give new faculty a quarter to get settled, and only then, on the second term, they start teaching, and even then only one course at that quarter. I started right away with two and continued with that rate. I’m also the only one with 7 courses a year. Usually the faculty teach up to 6 courses a year, and they have one quarter off after three consecutive quarters of teaching. It sucks to be at the bottom of the totem pole.
So, now I try to use the time off that I have every now and then to prepare my classes for the summer. It's not easy: I work full time with the two classes I teach now, I try to get some research done (even wrote a paper), and most of the time I am just exhausted from starting to each at 8AM every other day.

We have better prospects for D's quarter, on the other hand. She has finished two courses already, and now her time will be divided between only three classes and her work. It's still not easy, but at least she will have Mondays off now, and will be able to free some time over the weekends. Or so I hope.

We even find some time to follow several TV shows: Lost, Heroes, Lie To Me, Hisardut, and D sometimes catches episodes of Grey's Anatomy.

Friday, May 1, 2009

40 Hours a week?

I recently received my paycheck and there they took off the hours we spent in Israel over the winter. It seems that for the 10 days off I paid with 80 hours, 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week.
I think that at the rate I have been working since we got here I already finished my working hours this year.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Yom Atzmaut

My favorite holiday has always been Yom HaAtzmaut, independence day. I think that the reasons for this are rooted in my childhood. For one thing, when I was little, my family used to meet with other families of my parents for a Kumsits. As a child, staying up until late, eating barbecue food and being with the "grownups" used to be something I liked. Back then, when the national public television was the only channel, there was no TV on weekends and holidays, and independence day used to be the only day with TV. I used to enjoy the Israeli movies that were aired, though they were "burekas" movies.

The day before independence day is Israeli memorial day. The proximity of the two dates has always puzzled me: how can you be mournful one moment and joyful the next? Israelis are indoctrinated as children that the "fallen" have bestowed upon us our lives in Israel. Their sacrifice is the reason for us being there. I also remember that as a child, with - luckily for me - no known relative who had been killed in service, but with many family members, who had perished in the holocaust, I used to think that the holocaust remembrance day should be more significant than the IDF memorial day. Of course, as a grown up I understand that both are equally important: mourning cannot be measured in quantitative values. There is no "my pain is bigger than yours".

So, why this long introduction? It is my first independence day abroad, and I was wondering how I would feel, whether it will feel like a holiday or not, whether I will feel some mourning on IDF memorial day or holocaust memorial day. It turns out that I do feel and in some absurd way it feels that being abroad makes me feel even more. It is as if being abroad has caused me to feel it from the inside, rather than something that comes from the outside, from the public symbols of these days. Today the movie Beaufort was screened at the University's cinema. I felt that I had to go to the movie, although I saw it some years ago. It is not an easy movie, and seeing it the second time doesn't make it easier to watch. It is as sad as it was the first time, even worse, as one already knows how the plot develops. The screening was organized by the Jewish students organization and "Bearcats for Israel", which is the pro-Israeli organization here. I was expecting people to come, and was surprised to see that I was the only audience when the lights were turned off and the movie began. Afterwards several people came in, one of them I think I even recognized. The strangest thing is that I tried to think how these people interpret the movie.

There are several reasons why non-Israelis will have a problem understanding the movie. Firstly, the movie was screened with Hebrew soundtrack and English subtitles, and so many of the innuendos of Hebrew (and specifically the IDF jargon) just get lost. Secondly, they lack context. When I came out of the movie I saw only 4 other people, all of them looked Indian. There was no introduction to the movie, and I guess that no one leaving outside Israel or Lebanon can even try and understand the situation and all the feelings surrounding it in the year 2000. Furthermore, there are several strong scenes in the movie, in which the leading character - a young officer who is the commander of Beaufort stronghold - is tested. I think that this thing is simply lost to anyone who hasn't had military training, which is obviously anyone who watched the movie today. I couldn't help wondering how they feel when they see it. Some (may be most) of them left at some point or the other, and I wonder if it was because they couldn't understand the movie, or because they had other better things to do. Perhaps I am mistaken, because it seems that most of the comments left by people in IMDB are very positive.

In conclusion, I think that if anything, the fact that I am here causes me to identify even more with the Israeli memorial days/independence day. It's such a shame that I don't have anyone to tell (except D here and the brave readers of this blog).