Saturday, July 26, 2008

The pendulum continues to swing

After the previous post, things took another turn. Suddenly, the someone at the university remembered to open the position for application, I applied, and several e-mails were exchanged regarding the visa application. And then, when things started to clear, D received her visa, and we both sent our resignation letters, another standstill. Thus, the pendulum continues to swing, and I wouldn't be surprised by any direction it will be pointing at when the time really runs out.

Meanwhile, preparations have started. We have already managed the following:
  • Sort out the boidem, with all the boxes and packages full of my late grandmother's stuff.
  • Pack the rest of my grandmother's crystals and services and load them into the boidem.
  • D made me a mixtape with music that reflects her feelings about the move. (}{)
  • Purchase vacuum bags for packing clothes and bed linen.
  • Purchase new faucets for the ones that run in the kitchen and bathroom. That's preparation for renting the place.
There is still a lot to do.
If you know of anyone willing to rent a nice 3 rooms apartment in the middle of Tel Aviv, third floor with a lift, give us a ring.

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