Saturday, September 13, 2008


We traveled from Newark to Cincinnati in two days and two hours. The trip was efficient both in time and fuel, as we had a hybrid Toyota Prius. We fueled only twice during the 1000+ Kilometers drive from Newark to Cincinnati, roughly a 20 Km/liter fuel consumption. If the Prius was not so expensive to buy perhaps it would be a good idea to buy one. However, it costs $22000+ as a new one, and even more for preowned cars.

The only perks we allowed ourselves to have during the drive is buying D a new laptop and getting a new GPS navigation device for us. D is enjoying her laptop pretty much so far, and the GPS device has been most helpful in the city. We decided to postpone purchasing a laptop to me until we have the money for that.

We arrived in Cincinnati yesterday. Currently we stay at an extended stay motel just outside the city. So far, we haven't achieved much from our to-do list. The only two things we managed so far are getting a cellular phone number and opening a bank account. The coming week is going to be extremely busy, with both urgent tasks and preparing for school. D is having an orientation meeting every day of the coming week, which leaves too little time to do all the stuff we need to accomplish. Undoubtedly, we will have to extend our stay at the motel and our car rental in order to be able to survive past this week.

After the cellular phone and bank account I finally started to feel that this is not a trip. This is the real deal. It is said that "all beginnings are difficult". Hopefully, after the transient period it will be easier for us.

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