Sunday, September 7, 2008


It is unbelievable how hard it is to get a decent service in Israel. It is even inconceivably harder to get a service person to rid you from a current engagement. As D mentioned, we are faced with numerous setbacks and problems that various service personnel raise in our way. Today, however, I faced the other side of the same problem: people who are way too overzealous about doing their jobs. So overzealous that the two of them even complete their jobs before the schedule. What can I say? Let's give them a prize for being so diligent. Oh, I just forgot to mention, one of them disconnected me from my aDSL line three days before the requested disconnection, and the other one simply put my ISP account in a "frozen" state. So, if you're looking for hard-working and zealous communications providers, jost follow the links above.

1 comment:

Yuval Sapir said...

Interesting, they both have Bezeq in their names. Can they be related? And could it be that they belong to the until-recently-monopoly communication giant that fails to understand there are alternatives to its service nowadays? I got disconnected from Bezeq the first chance I had about a year ago when the numbers mobility act came into effect. I never looked back...