Sunday, February 1, 2009

Weekly summary: the important things

A short update this time.

In recent weeks I wrote about some not so important things, for example the new president and the new era he represents. It's good to know that we're past that and now the real important things can be discussed. Let's talk about the groundhog day for example. The winter so far was colder than usual. If you remember, the temperatures plunged to -19 Celsius at one time, and were below freezing for most of January. Last week we had a couple of days of ice storm, which left about a foot of snow on the ground and another centimeter of ice layer in between two layers of snow. The university was closed for part of Tuesday and closed on Wednesday. The worse, however, is that the storm knocked off power grids in the Midwest (that's us) and there are about million people without power now. Again. Lucky for us, our power still works. When there is no power in warm September, it may be annoying, but at least you're not freezing to death. The icicles outside thawed only today, when the temperatures soared to 9 Celsius and it was sunny. Not for long, though, because there are some forecasts for another storm next week, which will probably not hit our area. I can't believe that I say that, as usually I love the winter, but I would be happy to see some spring soon. Also, we have become very busy in the last few days, and the next time we will have time for fun will be in the spring break, and that's too far... We started to think about spring break, and maybe we will use it for some days in Chicago. We'll see how things develop. Anyway, spring break is too short to come for a visit.

The Superbowl is on now. Instead of watching it in a pub, like any other newcomer to the USA would do, I am watching it at home on my laptop (the other one, not the one I'm writing on right now). D is studying for one of her 4 tests this week or work on one of her 3 assignments. I had to do a few "work" things myself, and still need to study and do the new assignment in the class I am taking. No rest for the wicked.

By the way, what's the deal with not showing us who was eliminated on last Survivor? The production don't want us to know it's Arik, after a failed attempt of coup against Bashevkin?It's so typical of the production not to want Bashevkin to be eliminated as he is a guy that generates "rating". Yes. We're updated, we see it when we're too tired to study or work.

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