Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Ohio is not a real place

Recently I have noticed that too many weird stories are related to the state of Ohio. While this is a large state, it is by far not the largest or most populated in the United States of America, and since California is both the most populated state and the weirdest one (i.e. creatures like Michael Jackson have a residence there) it should be California that gets all the weird media attention. However, this is not the case. Just in the last 2-3 months I read in Ynet the following stories:
An actress fell to her death after hanging from a rope during a show in the church. (Dec 19, 2008)
A 4 year-old shot his babysitter
! (Jan 6,2009)
A father was sentenced to 16 years in jail after electro-shocking his children.(Jan 31, 2009)
A family objects to execution of a son who murdered his mother. (Feb 7, 2009)
An autistic 18 years old is accused of killing his mother. (Feb 25, 2009)
A transgendered woman forced her husband to train until his death. (Feb 15, 2009)
A university dean sprayed on a sign of another university. (Feb 25, 2009)
A woman breast-fed her baby while talking on her cellphone and driving! (Mar 1, 2009)
A letter finally reaches its destination in Ohio after 47 years. (Mar 14)

And, finally, Samuel Joseph Wurzelbacher, aka Joe the Plumber, is an Ohioan (timeless). Need I say more?

So, after all the aforementioned evidence, I can only come to the conclusion that Ohio is not a real place. It's a matrix-oid state, where the rules of the universe do not apply, and reality is controlled by a giant sentient computer. It is probably all a secret project of the Feds. Oh, I hear someone knocking on my door. I knew Google shares information with them! I knew it!

(Tomorrow's headlines on Ynet: Israeli arrested in Ohio for raving unintelligible nonsense on Ohio Matrixoids.).


Yuval Sapir said...

I notices that all these strange things happened AFTER you moved there...
Maybe you should look up strange things before you moved there and you'll find out that it's all your fault.

MemoriesAndThoughts said...

I had the same thought myself, but I still think that Joe the Plumber was living here long before we moved.